The power of gratitude.

Over time I have come to understand that gratitude is, without a doubt, the most powerful tool that humans have to change our reality.

Many despise the feeling of gratitude, due to the fact of it being a feeling. But, gratitude is the most beautiful and certain way that we have to channel positive things.

When we begin to see life from a positive point of view with gratitude towards our environment, we realize that we are more fortunate than we often imagine. Being grateful for each day we wake up, every meal we eat, having a roof over our heads, etc. is at the very least, what we have to be grateful for each day.

We as humans tend to see life from negative perspectives, from the problems we face, frustrations, diseases, and endless arguments that simply do not allow us to progress. When we live from this point of view, it becomes very difficult to achieve positive changes as we are carrying the negative energy of our every day problems with us. It makes us stagnate and more difficult to see solutions.

An effective way to change the course of our lives to become more positive and pleasant, is simply being grateful. For example, when we begin to understand everything happening around us is happening for a reason, this alone is a reason to begin to feel gratitude, including our problems. Problems are part of our growth and contribute to our development. Nobody wants problems in life, or, to go through sad moments and experiences, but in the end, it is how we handle those experiences that defines us. It’s up to us as individuals to know how to make the best of them and take our learnings forward.

If we begin to see life from a position of gratitude, surely everything around us will begin to change. Things change because our energy levels expand and heal. It is this expansion and healing that creates change. We adapt much better socially since we are not constantly thinking about complaining, or seeing everything that is wrong. Our family environment improves dramatically. It makes us more tolerant of people which helps us open and expand channels of understanding. When these channels are opened, we become much more assertive. We increase our sense of well-being, decrease stress, depression, anxiety and improve our sleep. We become more generous as people, and generosity with yourself and others, is key to spiritual growth.

Many will wonder, “how can I live in a state of gratitude?” Regardless of each person's circumstances, the exercise is always the same.

We must begin by adapting our brain, body and spirit, to live and think that way. Be aware of being grateful for each experience we have every day, from the moment we wake up until the moment we go to sleep. In the beginning it can feel a bit tedious of a task because we are not used to thinking this way, but when your energy begins to change and heal, being in a state of gratitude becomes part of your life. You no longer think about it, you only live it. This is who you are and this is your energy. It’s at this moment when we realize how wonderful everything around us is, the great potential we have, and how lucky we truly are.

Meditation is a wonderful tool to connect with your whole being. Through meditation you can learn more about yourself, identify your emotions, work to improve them and live life more consciously. As a conscious person, you will know how to apply gratitude in your life.

I can assure you from my experience, living in gratitude is living in a state of love and understanding. It is seeing life with the ability of understanding and respecting your environment. Life becomes much easier and pathways open.

Think about it like this, you would never open the door to your home, to a person  who doesn’t have gratitude for it, likewise, the universe will not open doors for you until you learn to appreciate it.

My name is Mauro Gamba, writer of this article, and I want to thank you for taking the time to read it.


Chakras, the 7 energetic vortices of life.