Chakras, the 7 energetic vortices of life.

Many of us have heard about Chakras, but don't really know how they work, what they do, and most importantly, how to keep them aligned. 

So I am going to give you a little guide about Chakras:

Chakra is a Sanskrit meaning "wheel" or “disk "and they are vortices of “prana" energy.

Chakras receive, accumulate, and spread energy through our bodies. It is this process that we create a balance and connection between our spiritual, emotional, organic, psychological, and physical parts.

There are seven types of main Chakras that are located in a vertical line at the center of our bodies, through which the spine passes, starting at the crown of the head and ending at the base of the trunk at the end of the spine.

1-Root Chakra (Muladhara Chakra)

This chakra is located at the base of the spine and is associated with the color red. Muladhara is related to our vitality and survival.  It is a ground wire that connects us and gives us great energy and a feeling of deserving everything and an incredible sense of belonging. When it is not aligned, you can feel a sense of separation, guilt, fear of day-to-day problems and even life itself. It can generate problems in the digestive system, lack of vitality, and aggressiveness.

2-Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana Chakra)

This Chakra is located below the navel and is associated with the color orange. Svadhisthana is related to our sexuality, feelings of pleasure, emotions, the desire to live fully, our creativity and our social ability. When it is not aligned, we can feel depression, sexual discouragement, eating disorders, addiction problems and problems expressing ourselves as we are.

3-Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura Chakra)

This Chakra is located above the navel through the stomach and is associated with the color yellow. Manipura is responsible for the mental body, our intellect, motivation and discipline. When it is not aligned there are problems in the nervous system, ulcers, heartburn, and diseases in the digestive system. We can also have problems remembering, feelings of inferiority, and a great dissatisfaction with our own being.

4-Heart Chakra (Anahata Chakra)

This Chakra is located in the center of the chest and is associated with the color green. Anahata relates to love (love towards yourself and others), forgiveness, acceptance, and compassion. When it is not aligned, it can generate heart disease, high blood pressure, problems in the lungs, pancreas and immune systems. At the same time it can generate issues to express feelings of love and an inability to relate in a healthy way with others.  

5-Throat Chakra (Vishuddha Chakra)

This Chakra is located in the larynx, the level of the throat. It is associated with the color blue. Vishuddha is related to our role within society, the capacity for communication, planning, wisdom and how we express ourselves. It is linked to the throat, vocal cords and ears. When it is not aligned it can present communication problems with others, ear infections, throat problems and in some cases, thyroid problems.

6-Third Eye Chakra (Ajna Chakra)

This Chakra is located between the eyebrows and is associated with the color indigo. Ajna is related to our intuition and connects us to the world of our thoughts. It concentrates the energy that allows us to visualize and understand mental concepts and generate ideas. If we activate this Chakra, it allows us to connect with things that go beyond our physical experience. When it is not aligned it can cause insomnia, migraine, nervous and endocrine system problems, hallucinations and mental confusion.

7-Crown Chakra (Sahasrara Chakra)

This Chakra is located in the crown and is associated with the colors white or violet. Sahasrara is the center of spiritual connection and knowledge. It connects us with our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being. When it is not aligned we have problems with the ego, feelings of dominating everything, arrogance, depression, and mental disorders.

Now that you know a little about the seven Chakras, it is important to know that all the Chakras must be kept in balance to achieve correct functioning.  For example, imagine that the Chakras are the tires of your car, if one of your tires is not working correctly, it will be very difficult for your car to continue riding smoothly. The same happens with our Chakras, if one of them is not flowing correctly, it affects the proper flow of energy to the the other Chakras.

It is very important that we learn to identify our aura “energy body” to know how the Chakras are working

Keeping our Chakras aligned should be a priority. Just as we care about our physical body, we must care about our energy body, our "aura", giving it the importance and care necessary to have a full life.

There are many techniques to be energetically aligned. As a Life And Spiritual Coach, I can help you find and identify energy blocks to help you unleash your energy and live a healthier and more harmonious life.


The power of gratitude.

