To begin, there are two basic types of mindsets that shape our lives, they are the Fixed Mindset and Growth Mindset. In a Fixed Mindset a person believes that certain qualities, i.e. intelligence, talent and abilities, are unique to the person and are “fixed” not able to change. In a Growth Mindset a person believes that certain qualities like intelligence, talent and other abilities can grow and be developed through studies, effort and enlightenment.
We are what we think. Approximately 80-90% of our thoughts are the same from the day before, and our thoughts are the basis of our reality. This means that only 10-20% of our daily thoughts are different and unique, therefore 80-90% of our reality is what we have been living. The same thoughts lead you to the same options, which in turn, lead you to the same actions.
Now that we have defined the two types of mindsets and have a basic knowledge of their qualities, I would like to explain the benefits of understanding them by providing a couple of tips so you can start being your best you, and living a happier, more meaningful life.
Most people live in a state of stress causing their bodies to respond both physically and energetically, creating blockages that prevent them from having the life they hope to live. When we are in a state of stress our nervous and energetic systems become altered creating an imbalance that causes us illness, fatigue, depression and other disorders. To live a better life, it is imperative to find a balance between our thoughts and actions to live in harmony. When we live in a harmonious state, we realize that everything in our body and in our surroundings work better together. Life becomes more pleasant and our energy is high, allowing us to enjoy each experience life brings our way. When we are in this mindset, we now live in a constant state of gratitude. Most people live life preoccupied with the changes they want to make, their main focus then becomes a stress concentrating on what they have not yet achieved rather than focusing on what they have actually accomplished. To generate a positive change in life, one simply has to start with changing the way one is thinking.
How we think is how we act. If we don’t change the way we think, we won’t change the way we act, resulting in a life of repetition. This occurs because our brain has already marked what we are doing as a habit, and habits are within our comfort zones. Take control of your life and change how you think about things you do in your every day. This will help create new habits and broaden your comfort zone. For example, think of the neighborhood you live in as your comfort zone. When you leave your neighborhood, and enter a new neighborhood, you have just broadened your comfort zone creating new options.
Some simple ways to get started creating change are:
Meditation, it is an incredible tool to work your energy, mind and body. It helps you to know yourself better and generate control over your thoughts, which is basic to changing the way you think.
Gratitude, being grateful is another fundamental tool when you want to start a process of positive change. It helps you to look at things differently and be conscious of even the smallest joys you are blessed with in life, and regardless of your circumstances, you will see you are better off than you imagined.
Diet, the correct diet according to your body (keep in mind each body is unique and different).
Activity, leading a healthy life, practicing sports such as yoga, walking or one that makes you happy, are a basic foundation for a balanced life.
Guidance, there are people like me, who through our work, dedicate ourselves to help people who want to start a change in their life. There are many different techniques. The important thing is that you always look for one that makes you feel comfortable and generates confidence in yourself. Remember, YOU deserve it. This is the perfect time to realize how wonderful you are and how happy you deserve to be.